Supporting health professionals and community in Western Sydney

A patient smiling with healthcare professional hand on his shoulder

About Healthy Western Sydney

Healthy Western Sydney is a free resource for community members and health professionals in Western Sydney.

We currently offer information on palliative care, aged care and dementia services. We will continue to expand to include other service categories.

We encourage health service providers, support groups and other community organisations to add information about their service to this website. It is free to use and list your service.

Healthy Western Sydney is delivered by WentWest, the Western Sydney Primary Health Network.

Healthcare professional with a patient


For twenty one years WentWest has been part of the Western Sydney community, delivering support and education to primary care health professionals such as GPs, practice nurses and allied health providers, working with key partners to progress the region’s health system.

In July 2015, WentWest became the Western Sydney Primary Health Network (WSPHN), allowing us to expand the work we do with our partners to deliver better health outcomes for the region.

To achieve our vision of a healthier Western Sydney, we partner with local service providers to commission programs that suit the needs of our diverse communities. We work closely with providers to design programs that improve health literacy, strengthen the primary health care workforce and equip community with resources and services to better their health.